Reading Roundup July {2017}

Reading Roundup July {2017}

The book titles are affiliate links.

*EDIT 8/2/17: I added 2 more books to this list that I just finished last night (8/1) since I basically read them in July.

So… As it turns out, I got like no reading done this month either. The thing is, I thought I was going to be able to read a lot over this past weekend. But I ended up helping a lot with the wedding. Like, I helped with all the decorations and set up and I coordinated the entire wedding. I told people when to walk down the aisle etc.

And then when we tried to leave to come home on Sunday, out air conditioning went out in our car. In Georgia. On the hottest day of the year. So we got it fixed. It took 3 hours and lots of money. But we were not driving back without AC. Anyway, we drove all night and got back at about 3:00 am. We both took today off from work.

Also, I sort of forgot that this link up was today. Technically today is the last Tuesday of the month, but the month ends on Monday. So we have another week left of July. I was hoping to finish a book I started on our trip this week and I was going to try to finish listening to my personal development book.

Anyway, no such luck. So you get another post with just one book reveiw for a little children’s book.

Book reviews of everything I read in July

The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis

Y’all have I mentioned before that I can’t believe I’ve never read all the Narnia books? Well I can’t believe I’ve never read all the Narnia books.

This one was really interesting to me because the entire thing takes place in the Narnian world during the reign of Peter, Susan, Lucy, and Edmond. So the time frame is within the timeframe of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. But it’s sort of a side story of a boy who grew up outside of Narnia and is trying to get there.

There’s sort of a predictable twist at the end but it’s totally worth the read. Oh and there’s a little Aslan/Christ parallel again as well but there’s no surprise there right?

I read a couple books from the Chronicles of Narnia in July. Here are my book reviews.

The Sleeping Beauty Killer by Mary Higgins Clark

Ok guys. This book was fantastic! It’s a modern, realistic murder mystery. I was hooked the whole time. I started reading it in the car on our road trip this past weekend and was only about a third of the way through the book by the time we got home. (We had a crazy weekend!). But then I read the rest in one evening!
I don’t ever know what to say in a book review of a murder mystery like this because I don’t want to give too much away. It’s one of those things where if I tell you it’s unpredictable then you’ll be looking for the unpredictable possible outcome when you’re reading it. If I tell you there’s a twist, then the twist is practically spoiled. If I tell you I knew who the killer was all along or that I guessed early but it was still a good book, you won’t want to read it. Or you’ll start reading it and once you’ve picked a killer, you’ll put it down.
So just take my word for it. This book was awesome! As I told Pearson the other night, I think I’ve found my new favorite genre: thriller/mystery! The last book I remember being this into and reading this fast was The Girl on the Train. But I’m not too fond of the Sherlock Holmes series. At least not as much as modern, realistic mysteries. So after I finished this book last night, I reserved several other MHC books from the library. I didn’t realize that The Sleeping Beauty Killer was number 4 in a series of 5 novels. Oops. So I reserved the other 4 from that series. I’m excited for the future of my reading!

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

So this was the “personal development” book that I read this month for my lifestyle challenge group. Remember how the only book I read last month was the personal development book that I actually listened to for the challenge group? Yeah that was what I did this month too. I really like listening to educational/personal development/self help stuff in the car on my commute. I’m so glad I discovered this!
And ironically, that’s one of the points Darren Hardy makes in this book. The compound effect is the idea that little habits and things compound over time to huge changes. Like compounding interest. And this happens with good habits and bad habits. Simply changing one little aspect of your everyday routine and sticking to it can have major effects on your future, good or bad!
Like most personal development books, I already knew everything Darren told me. But it’s good to be reminded of. It’s good to hear presented in a new light every once in awhile. What I liked about listening to the audiobook was that Darren sometimes went “off script” and added more examples and quotes that didn’t make the final cut of the published book. However, each chapter had “summary action steps” at the end which Darren would mention in the recording and urge you to look at and do on your own. So if you do listen to the audiobook, I suggest getting a print copy from the library or something so you can do these action steps too.
What have you read this month? Link up below!
Thanks for reading!

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Tayler from The Morrell Tale

Charlene from Enduring All Things

Autumn from Stay Gold Autumn

How It Works:

  • Reading Roundup will happen the last Tuesday of every month! The linkup will be open for two weeks!
  • There really aren’t “rules.” This is free and open. We are book lovers and want to read about your books!
  • Link up a post of a book review you did from this month. Or, a roundup of book reviews you did this month.
  • Try to hop around and engage on other people’s book reviews! Make some new friends!
  • Grab this pinnable image to put on the bottom of your post! (But, no pressure to do so!)
Reading Roundup

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

4 thoughts on “Reading Roundup July {2017}

  1. I started reading The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, which is really good. I also started reading The Shack, which is interesting, but jarring to read. I love the story idea, but the execution feels clumsy, if that makes sense.

    I'm not sure if I actually finished a book this month, though… Oh, wait, yes, I read the whole Hamilton book! That counts. Yes, it has lots of pictures, but it's surprisingly text-heavy, and even though I've listened to the soundtrack a million times, I read through all the lyrics and the annotations too.

  2. I read The Shack the summer between my Sophomore and Junior year of college. To be honest, I don't remember much about it but I do remember reading it while standing in the back of Subway when we were slow (that was my summer job that year – a sandwich artist). So I must have not been able to put it down.

    And yes that totally counts!

  3. I loved the Narnia books and agree that it was fun reading about a boy outside of Narnia during the reign of the 4 kids in Narnia. My favorites are The Magician's Nephew and The Silver Chair

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