Monthly Goals February {2018} – And my Word of the Year!!

Monthly Goals February {2018} – And my Word of the Year!!

Happy February everybody! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful first month of the year. I sure did! Pearson and I left Columbus on January 1st and slowly made our way to Orlando where we spent a week celebrating graduation and my birthday. Then we slowly made our way across the southern United States visiting family and famous land marks on our way to Portland, Oregon where we just moved on Monday! Since then we’ve been moving our stuff in, setting up our new place, and getting all our moving paperwork done.

You can watch my Instagram stories of our Orlando trip and our move on the highlights on my Instagram profile (mobile only).

It was great but it was stressful at times. We almost ran out of money because neither of us have a paycheck right now and moving (and Disney World) is expensive. Intel will be reimbursing us but not until Pearson’s first couple pay checks.

But I digress.

Since my January (and end of December) was so busy, I haven’t done all of my typical beginning of the year blog posts like my word of the year (previously here, here, here, and here). So that’s what I’m bringing you today, a month late.

So my word of the year for 2018 is… Drum roll please…. RESET

Yes. I think this word is very fitting. Pearson and I are using this year as a reset year. We’ve moved completely across the country to a place where we know virtually nobody. Pearson is starting a new full time job at Intel on Monday and I am now officially blogging full time! A lot is changing and we are using this changes to jump start some other changes we want to make in our lives.

We are both going to reset our fitness. We want to be more active and I believe that will be easier for both of us now because we live in an area where people are always outside. It’s gorgeous and green year-round. There are plenty of places to hike and explore. And the culture is just all about being active and outdoorsy and we can’t wait! Oh and not to mention Pearson will have much more time to be active on the weekends and to workout all the time. No Intel will not be a simple 9-5, 40 hours per week job, but it won’t be the 70-80 hours he had been doing in grad school.

I also think this is a great time to reset our diet and jump start a healthy eating plan. We’re going to follow the Keto diet (or at least a variation of it). Just the fact that so much has changed makes it easier to form new habits. Plus, here in the PNW, fresh fish is easy to come by! Oh and again, Pearson will be home more and I will be working from home so I think we will be more inclined to cook from home than to go out all the time like we have been doing.

We are also going to reset our marriage! Of course, our marriage is a priority. I mean, heck. That’s what my blog is all about. But back in the fall of 2016, our marriage got a little rocky. You could say we reset our marriage last year, but we didn’t officially declare that. And we weren’t as intentional about it as we could have been. So this year we’re going to reset our marriage and treat each other like we are newlyweds again! And that started with all of our adventures in January!

Personally, I am going to reset my spirituality. This is an area of my life that I have struggled with for a long time. I desperately need to be more intentional in my prayer life, my personal study and devotion, my service to others, and my commitment to church. So I’m resetting all this and making new habits starting with a daily devotional by Beth Moore that my dad gave me as a sort of “going away” present. I’m already a little behind but that’s okay!

I am certainly going to reset my blogging. Right now I don’t have any plans for rebranding or anything like that, but I am now blogging full time so I’m resetting my mindset and plan. A lot more things are going to be going on behind the scenes now that I have more time and this blog is going to be better than ever!

And lastly, I am going to reset my organization! This means I’m going to schedule everything! (and this applies to a LOT of aspects of my life) I will schedule my day in blocks (I got this idea from Jordan of – but I can’t find the post – and I may share my schedule later). I’m going to schedule certain days like being active on Saturdays and doing big chores on Sundays etc. And I’m even going to plan out my year (I also got this idea from Jordan).

So there you have it. I think this word of the year is very fitting and I can’t wait to get started. Even if I am getting started a month late. I think I have a pretty good excuse, don’t you?

What is your word of the year and why? Share in the comments or link to your blog post!

P.S. I’m participating in Brita’s Love Blog Challenge this month! I’m co-hosting 6 out of the 20 days and I plan to link up a few others as well. You should definitely check it out and join in! It’s going to be a wonderful month of love!

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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