15 Scavenger Hunt Dates for Couples

15 Scavenger Hunt Dates for Couples

Did you know today is National Scavenger Hunt day? It’s true!

Did you know I have an eBook full of scavenger hunt dates you can use on dates with your partner? Also true.

When I found out it was National Scavenger Hunt day, I just had to use the opportunity to run a sale on my Scavenger Hunt Date Nights eBook! Too perfect not to, right? (read to the bottom to get the coupon code)

This eBook includes an introduction explaining how to use the scavenger hunts as well as the importance of continuing to date your spouse and have fun on those dates. Then it goes in to the 15 awesome scavenger hunts for adults that you and your spouse can use on your next date!

You can either work together on the hunt or compete with each other. Some of the hunts in the book include a Bookstore Scavenger Hunt, a Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt, a Road Trip Scavenger Hunt and a couple other more romantic scavenger hunts. Click over to the product page to see a full list of all the hunts in the book!

So from now until the end of Date Your Mate Month (That’s next Friday, May 31st), you can use the code “dateyourmate” for 25% off the book! That puts the price at just over $5! Click right here to purchase or click on the button below and put the code “dateyourmate” in at checkout.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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