“Own Your Everyday” Book Review

“Own Your Everyday” Book Review

*As part of the launch team for Own Your Everyday, I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book for free. I did pre-order the book myself before the launch team was even formed. All opinions are my own.

Own Your Everyday book review

You guys, I have loved Jordan Lee Dooley and all the work she does for about a year now. My sister-in-law introduced me to her and she has changed the way I study the bible. Anyway, I just feel like Jordan gets me, you know? She understands the pressures women face in our society. She understands waiting for things that are “supposed” to happen in your life. And she understands being afraid to have big dreams.

Own Your Everyday book

That’s why when I found out she was writing a book, I pre-ordered it as soon as possible. No joke. I ordered it back in January before it was even called Own Your Everyday.

Then Jordan asked for people to join a launch team for the book and I JUMPED on that opportunity.

Own Your Everyday Book

Anyway, I tell you all this to say that before I even cracked the book, I was ready to support it because I fully support the author. Because she just gets me.

Anyway, let’s get on to the review shall we…

Reading Own Your Everyday by the pool

Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley

5/5 stars

First I want to say this is NOT your typical motivational, self-help book. In fact, it’s kinda the opposite of what I think of when I think of self-help books written by successful online business women. Jordan talks about taking the pressure off of yourself to do big things and instead encourages you to be intentional with and find purpose in your normal everyday life.

A quote from the book, Own Your Everyday

I personally really needed to hear this. At a time in our culture when everybody and their dog seems to have a blog or some kind of online business, there is so much pressure out there to prove ourselves. At least for me. I want to prove (mostly to myself) that I have a place. That I belong. That I am good enough.

A quote from the book, Own Your Everyday

But as Jordan says, I am a child of God. And that is enough. To find our purpose, we must first know our identity and our identity isn’t our job or accomplishments. Our identity is that we are His and He has a plan for us. It’s what we do with the opportunities He gives us EVERY DAY that matters.

A quote from the book, Own Your Everday

And no this book is NOT just for entrepreneurs or women with an online presence or trying to start their own businesses. I will be revisiting this book throughout my life, I can already tell. Those are just the chapters that spoke to me the most in this season of my life.

A quote from the book, Own Your Everyday

Another thing I love about Own Your Everyday is that every chapter tells a personal story or describes a situation that the reader can identify with. Then gives actual action steps to overcome the issue. Jordan presents these steps in a simple list first and then explains each step further. Jordan gives tangible help in all these situations rather than just throwing in inspirational quotes and saying things like “listen to God’s will for your life” (which can often be hard to hear).

In Conclusion:

So basically I would recommend this book to ANY woman in ANY stage of life! It’s a breath of fresh air. It’s a different perspective on life and the pressures we face today. And it’s all presented in the context of faith and love.

Have you heard of Jordan? Do you think you could benefit from this book? In what areas of your life do you feel the pressure to prove yourself?

Thanks for reading!

P.S. Check out some other book reviews on my blog!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

2 thoughts on ““Own Your Everyday” Book Review

  1. I haven’t heard of Jordan before, but after your review, I am really looking forward to getting this book! It sounds wonderful and we need more positive messages like this.

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