10 Questions to ask your Spouse at the End of the Year

10 Questions to ask your Spouse at the End of the Year

You guys! We made it to the end of 2020. I wasn’t sure we were gonna make it there for a minute. I kid, I kid. And of course, we know the world isn’t going to magically get better at midnight tonight. But there’s just something so refreshing about getting to the end of the year and starting fresh on January 1st, you know?

On New Year’s Eve, I usually like to spend some time reflecting on the past year. I go through my blog and my photos and reminisce on the big highlights of the year. I also like to journal about things that happened and how I felt about them etc. This year’s end of the year reflection has been a doozy for sure. Can I get an amen?

I think both reflecting on the past year together with your partner is super beneficial. Here are 10 questions to get you started!
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Anyway, just like anything else in life, I think it’s important to include your spouse in some your end-of-year reflections. So I came up with some questions you can ask each other at the end of the year (or any time, of course). Order your favorite take out or make your favorite home-cooked meal and make a date out of it!

Questions to ask your Partner at the End of the Year

Qs About the Past Year

What was your favorite memory of this past year?

What was the hardest part of this past year?

How are you feeling emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally at the end of this year?

What did I do well as your spouse this year?

What could I have done better as your spouse this year?

Qs About the Upcoming Year

What personal goals do you have for next year?

What goals should we set together for next year? Below are some ideas.

  • Travel goal
  • Date night goal
  • Intimacy goal
  • Do a couple check-in every month
  • Find a new hobby to do together
  • Find a marriage course, club, conference, or counselor
  • Adjust and stick to our budget

Related: New Year’s Resolutions For Your Marriage

What are you looking forward to in the coming year?

How can I be a better partner to you in the coming year?

What argument can we leave in this year and commit to not bringing up ever in the coming year?

Again, I think both reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the new year together with your partner can be super beneficial. It helps you feel more connected to each other. It also helps you communicate and get on the same page in a lot of aspects of life. And lastly, it makes for a fun date night!

What questions would you like to ask your spouse today that I’ve not included here?
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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