Family Weekend Recap

Family Weekend Recap

So I know this is Wednesday, but how was your weekend? Mine was fantastic! For those of you who missed my Thankful Thursday from last week, my family was in town this weekend. When I say family here, I mean my mom, dad, brother, grandma, and grandpa. And yes, they all stayed in our two bedroom, one bathroom apartment!
As I have said before, when Pearson and I moved here, we moved 500+ miles away from everyone we knew. So we don’t see our family much.
My brother is in school at Harding and had Friday off for Fall Break so he flew in Thursday night. Pearson and I headed to pick him up from the airport at like 11:30 PM. We had to leave before the end of the Miami-UNC game. The game was crazy close, so Pearson made me drive so he could continue watching on his phone. (Miami scored a TD to go ahead in the last 16 seconds and won!!!) We got home from the airport and stayed up late catching up with Tyler before finally going to bed around 2:00 AM.
Friday was a normal day for me and Pearson, we both had to work. So Tyler slept till about noon then spend the afternoon playing video games and playing with Pip till everyone else finally got here.
Finally, my parents and grandparents pulled up. We put Pip on a leash and greeted them at the car. I couldn’t wait any longer! (sorry I have no pictures of any of the reunions. lol)
That night we had Crockpot Lasagna for dinner and Gooey Bars for dessert which were both a big hit. It always feels good when your company tells you over and over (so you know it’s not fake) that a meal you fixed was fantastic and there’s no way you can top it. We spent the evening watching game 6 of the Cardinals-Dodgers series. Big win for St. Louis!
The boys had tickets for the OSU game on Saturday. Memaw and I decided to go to Skull Session (pep rally with the band in the gym) before the game with them and then just come home while they go to the game. It was my second Skull Session and it was pretty awesome.
Top: All of us about to leave for Skull Session (pip didn’t go)//Left: The boys in front of the stadium before we left them//Right: The band coming into the gym. The place went crazy!
While the boys went to the game, we girls did some shopping. When they finally got home around 9:30 (it was a 3:30 game), we went to Skyline Chili!
On Sunday we got up and went to church. It was so much fun to show off my family to my ‘church family’ and to show off my ‘church family’ to my family. We went to lunch at Piada and then to campus for Pearson to show the crew his lab and office. Then we had to take Tyler to the airport. Boo for having to go to class on Monday and Tuesday!
After dropping Tyler off, we headed to Lynd’s Fruit Farm for some apple picking and Amish Market shopping! I believe this is going to be an Autumn tradition for me and Pearson. We have now been 4 times; twice last October and twice this October.
Left: I got on Pearson’s shoulders to get the prize apple//Top: Memaw and Pepaw posing in front of apples with their apples//Middle: Mom and Dad//Bottom: Memaw and Mom
Top: 171 pound pumpkin at the market!//Left: With the huge chair in front of the market//Right: the huge apple pie we made with all our apples
Sunday night we had some of Pearson’s scrumptious grilled burgers and went to bed pretty early. We were exhausted.
Monday, Pearson and I had to work but my family drove around Dublin looking at all the golf courses then took me to lunch at Donatos. Then they took a self led tour of downtown Columbus. We had chili for dinner and a lazy night watching Dancing with the Stars!
They all left yesterday morning and I have to say, the apartment seems a bit bigger and very quiet! But of course, I enjoyed every minute and would have them all again as soon as they are ready to come back!
Thanks for reading and happy hump day!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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