20 Perfectly Festive Fall Date Ideas

20 Perfectly Festive Fall Date Ideas

*This post was updated November 3, 2019
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Happy fall, Y’all! Today is the first official day of fall and I couldn’t be more excited! There’s a slight chill in the air, I am making autumn scented candles at a ladies’ craft night tonight, a lot of our shows are coming back this week, and I’ve been watching the Bulldogs and Falcons play for a few weeks now. This is my happy place. Can a season be your happy place? I say it can.

Anyway, since today is the first day of fall, I thought I’d share some Fall Date Ideas with you all. Some we’ve done before and some I am excited to try to do this year. 

20 Fall Date Ideas

Fall is the best time of year for a lot of things, including romance. Here are 20 great fall date ideas to keep the spark hot when the weather cools off.
175 best date ideas

ONE || Go to a football game. 

It can be any game. Splurge and go to an NFL game, dish out a decent amount for an NCAA game, go to a D2 game like my alma mater’s homecoming game we’ll be attending, or just head down the street to the local high school on a Friday night. No matter what level of play, football is a fall must-do and the excitement in the air is addicting.

Fall Date Ideas - football game

TWO || Watch football on TV.

If you’re anything like us, you’re probably saying “we do this every weekend. It’s not much of a date.” Well, make it one! Go all out. Both of you get all decked out in your game day gear. Plan all sorts of football snacks like these adorable “Pigskins in a Blanket” or these delicious looking football cupcakes. Place bets on the scores. Do whatever you can to make it exciting.

Fall Date Ideas - football game

THREE || Pick apples.

We did this twice last year, twice the year before already once this weekend at Lynds Fruit Farm. It is truly one of my favorite autumn activities. You have to do it! It’s such a great way to spend some time together out of doors and to work on a task together while walking and talking. All of those things make up a great date!

FOUR || Bake apple pie with the apples you picked.

Baking and cooking together is always fun. I love enjoying a wonderful creation you made and using fresh apples you picked yourself makes it that much better. Turn on some music and get a little messy together in the kitchen.

huge apple pie

FIVE || Pick pumpkins.

We do this at Lynds too. It’s pretty similar to apple picking but just different enough, right? Because you usually only take home one or two pumpkins so you spend more time picking out the perfect one. And of course, you gotta take some silly pictures with your pumpkins!

SIX || Carve those pumpkins.

This is so much fun to do with your significant other. And it’s even more fun if you make it some sort of competition. I know carving isn’t for evey body. I get it. It leaves a huge mess. But there are other ways to decorate pumpkins! Paint them or glue rhinestones on them. There are so many great ideas out there on Pinterest these days!

giant pumpkin

SEVEN || Make pumpkin pie with those pumpkins.

Again, baking together is wonderful and nothing quite says fall like good old pumpkin pie. Pull out your grandma’s recipe and make a pie from scratch! Oh and bonus points if you wear an apron… and nothing else!

EIGHT || Go on a coffee date.

Order another #PSL and reminisce about memorable Halloweens from your childhoods. There’s just something about sitting in a coffee house in the fall, am I right? I love to blog or read at coffee shops, but I also like to talk and connect with Pearson there too!

Fall Date Ideas - coffee shop date

NINE || Visit a corn maze.

I have actually never been to a corn maze but it just seems so fun to get lost with your love and to work together to find the way. It’s another example of working together toward a goal. Yet you can be sort of silly at the same time. Just make sure it doesn’t cause you to argue the whole time, because that would be a fall date idea gone completely wrong.

TEN || Visit a haunted house.

I LOVE Haunted Houses. There’s just something about the Adrenalin and holding your hubby’s hand so tight it turns red makes it so much better. Once you’ve made it through you feel so accomplished and you can now share that sense of accomplishment with your partner!

haunted house

ELEVEN || Throw a TV Premier party.

Fall is when all your favorite TV shows come back so throw a premier party. Dress up and make fun snacks that pertain to the show. You can invite other couples or keep it just the two of you, but make it exciting and different from just another night of watching TV.

TWELVE || Enjoy a hay ride.

Talk about romantic! Bring a blanket and snuggle up together. Whether it’s a haunted hayride or just a simple one through the countryside, there’s just something magical about it. It can certainly be a great way to take in some views of the changing leaves in a different way than from your car!

Fall Date Ideas - hay ride/fall festival

THIRTEEN || Visit a fall festival.

Walk around, play games, buy candied apples and just enjoy each other’s company. Even if you don’t particularly enjoy the activities, fall festivals are a great place for people watching. Not to mention all the wonderful food available. It’s a great excuse to get out of the house and switch things up for date night in the autumn, because nothing says fall date idea quite visiting like a fall festival.

FOURTEEN || Have a scary movie marathon.

I’ll take any excuse to snuggle up and hold on to my hubby for dear life. Plus the kind of scary movies I like are all thinkers. So not only do you and your spouse get to experience watching the movie together, it usually gives you something to talk about for days later! Check out this list of “scary” movies I highly recommend.


FIFTEEN || Go camping.

I love camping and autumn is certainly the best time to do it. Find a weekend when it’s not to hot or too cold, go far enough away to forget about your responsibilities, leave your phones at home and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.


SIXTEEN || Drive through the countryside viewing the changing leaves.

This, like camping, is best in the fall. The scenery is breathtaking. But this is much less of a commitment than camping and you don’t have to get too comfy with nature if you don’t want too. Stop by your favorite coffee/hot chocolate shop and grab your go to drink before heading out with no particular destination in mind! Turn off the radio and just talk!

SEVENTEEN || Visit a flea market or farmer’s market.

By autumn, the local farmer’s market is at the end of it’s season. You may find some even better deals than usual. And now that the temperature has cooled off a bit, it will be a lot more enjoyable to walk around all morning looking at all the different stalls.

Fall Date Ideas - public market in seattle

EIGHTEEN || Ride a hot air balloon.

I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. And really it would be great in any season, but I bet the changing leaves would be beautiful through a bird’s eye view! Plus hot air balloons just seem so romantic, right? I’m not really sure why but they do!

Fall Date Ideas - hot air balloon

NINETEEN || Ride bikes at sunset.

Take advantage of the cool air and enjoy the romantic sunset while getting some exercise in as well. We don’t ride bikes together nearly as often as we should. But I think doing so at sunset would be a wonderful motivation to get out there and do it!

halloween costumes

TWENTY || Dress up, decorate your house and wait for trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

I never thought I would say this, but sadly, I think I am too old to trick-or-treat now. So I make the most of Halloween by dressing up for parties and living vicariously through the kids who knock on our door. Have fun with it!

What would you add to my list of fall date ideas?

Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

29 thoughts on “20 Perfectly Festive Fall Date Ideas

  1. These are all great ideas! This fall we were able to go to a football, an apple orchard, and a pumpkin patch together.

  2. Sweater weather is my fav!! For sure. Going and picking apples and baking with them just puts me in the fall mood. I love the idea of a coffee date – sometimes we lose focus so having little dates planned is key to any successful relationship. Nice list! 😀

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