Fall Festivities

Fall Festivities

So I recently stated that I wanted to do some fun fall things in October like picking out pumpkins and visit a haunted house and do a corn maze etc. but was afraid that it wouldn’t happen. Well, my fear has been rectified.

Friday night, we went to a murder mystery dinner put on by the Murder Mystery Co. This one wasn’t necessarily a FALL festivity but it was fun nonetheless. I found a Groupon for half price for 2 tickets. It was a 3 course meal and interactive show. It was really good and worth the money and it was only like 10 minutes away from us! The theme for this particular show was 1957 prom night. We dressed up like people from the 50s and we won best dressed!!

This was our “prom” picture.
This was our mug shot as suspects
This was our certificate for “Best Dressed”

If we ever go back I think we will bring other people with us. It would be more fun if you know more than just one person there.

Then on Saturday, I went to a ladies day at a Columbus area church because Ms. Tamera Holzer was speaking. She goes to Buford church of Christ where Pearson and I grew up but she grew up here in Columbus. So she came back this weekend and I got to see her and her daughter Jordyn. What a joy that was to hear a familiar voice and meet so many wonderful ladies and hear encouraging words from all.

Saturday night, we went to the Haunted Hoochie with some friends from church. Oh my goodness. This haunted house/forest was legit! It is said to be the scariest in the nation. Of course, my source is its own website, but still. We had a blast! The down side; we waited in line for literally 3 hours. It wasn’t so bad though because we were with friends and they had a DJ. The wait was like a big party and it made the actual thing less scary.

On Sunday, Pearson surprised me with his mystery date for October. (Mystery date: one of us plans the whole date and blindfold the other to take them on the date. It happens once a month alternating responsibilities). We went to Lynd’s Fruit Farm!

We picked a peck of apples:

We picked out some pumpkins:

We shopped at the Amish market:

We did not do the corn maze but I was happy anyway. 😛 I had such a wonderful time. I just love fall!!!

Then, and this one wasn’t planned by either of us, we went to sonic for happy hour after our Lynd’s adventure and when we tried to leave, the car wouldn’t start… The engine wouldn’t even turn over. Great. So we asked one of the workers if anyone had jumper cables and could give us a jump and two very nice men helped us out. We went straight to Advanced Auto Parts to get a new battery and the man who helped us was a hoot!! He spent over an hour changing our battery. He said I had a lot of corrosion on the battery- which we could see. And he spent so much time to make sure he got it all cleaned off and to prevent it from happening again. But while he did all this, he never stopped talking. He talked about his job and how he got there and how he had been working on cars since he was 9 years old. He talked about the military and both his uncle and his mother being in the army. He had a lot of military stories. He finally asked us about ourselves. He asked us if it was work or school that brought us to Columbus. When we told him Pearson was at OSU for grad school, he went off on his college experiences. He was a really nice old man and too funny! He made a horrible situation enjoyable.

Last weekend we went to Andrew and Deanna’s wedding and then went home to Buford. This weekend we did all these fun things. And next weekend my parents are coming to visit!!! I like October. 😀

Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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